Wet weather couldn’t keep the crowds, or YELLO Equipment™, away from Tocal Field Day’s 40th anniversary event.
Being the standout agricultural event in the Hunter, Newcastle, and Central Coast regions, Tocal Field Days attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year. Agriculture professionals, farm suppliers, and members of the local community are all given the opportunity to connect in this annual showcase of the region’s incredible produce and farming sector.
YELLO Equipment™ was delighted to be one of over 370 exhibitors in attendance. “Being able to spend time with an array of people from all over the Newcastle and Greater Hunter region was a definite highlight for YELLO™,” said Andy Hopcroft, General Manager of YELLO Equipment™. “Gaining better insight into the pain points of the communities we service is a vital way we ensure we are ‘with you all the way’.”
The response to our incredible equipment line up was another highlight of the event, with the YELLO™ team engaged in lots of discussions about our excavators – from attendees already familiar with SANY to those just beginning their SANY journey. “We strongly believe in the quality, efficiency, and versatility of SANY’s heavy machinery and relish any opportunity to educate the market on the features that set them apart from other equipment manufacturers,” said Andy.
Trade shows like Tocal Field Days are always an important part of the YELLO™ calendar. “After such a great experience at Tocal Field Days, we’re more excited than ever for the remaining trade events of the year!” said Andy.